The Rectorate heads the University, manages its business and is responsible for maintaining order. The Rectorate promotes those internal and external developments at the University as a higher institution of education. The Rectorate comprises the Rector, as Chairperson, the Vice-Rectors and the Chancellor.
- Prof. Katharina Christl, Rector (Chairperson)
- Prof. Juliana Sabino Wilhelm, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs
- Prof. Timothy Couchman, Vice-Rector for Artistic Affairs
- Dr. Claudia Schlüter, Chancellor
The Senate is composed of the elected representatives of the University’s member groups (professors, academic and artistic staff members, students and other staff members). The Rector, Vice-Rector, Chancellor, Equal Opportunities Commissioner, and the Headmaster of the Secondary School are members with advisory roles.
The Senate is responsible for fundamental academic matters. Their tasks are, among others, taking decisions regarding university regulations, commenting on all academic and artistic matters, fundamental decisions in matters pertaining to teaching and art, promoting young talents as well as the formulation of principles regarding the organisation of teaching and studying activities.
- Chairperson (advisory member): Prof. Katharina Christl, Rector and Head of Master Choreography Programme
- Professors: Prof. Rita Aozane Bilibio, Prof. Olga Melnikova, Prof. José Biondi, Prof. Marc Boermans
- Academic staff: Felicitas Rost
- Administration and technology Staff member: Dr. Katja Backhaus-Nousch
- Student representative: Yvette González (MADT)
- Advisory members: Prof. Timothy Couchman, Vice-Rector for Artistic Affairs; Prof. Juliana Sabino Wilhelm, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs; Dr. Claudia Schlüter, Chancellor; Bernd H?hnel, Secondary School Headmaster; Felicitas Rost, Equal Opportunities Commissioner
The advisory board is composed of six independent personalities, each with many years of experience in the areas of science, business, culture, or administration. The members of the Advisory Board are appointed for five years by the State Ministry of Science, Art and Tourism on the recommendation of the Rectorate in consultation with the Senate. The Advisory Board comments on all important planning issues, fundamental organisational decisions, and substantial investments related to the development of the University.
- Bettina Wagner-Bergelt
- Adj. Prof. Ingrid Borchardt
- Dieter Jaenicke
- Adi Luick
- Prof. Dr. Horst-Peter G?tting
- Prof. Dr. Dirk Baecker
The Data Protection Officer, who is appointed by the Chancellor, monitors the compliance to the data protection laws (BDSG, GDPR, and Saxon Data Protection Implementation Act) at the University.
Susanne Lehnhardt
Email: s.lehnhardt(at)
The Evaluation Commission comprises the Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, the heads of study programmes and two student members who have been chosen by the Senate. The Evaluation Commission is formed to prepare the content for and to conduct evaluations of study programmes and teaching. The purpose of the evaluation is to improve the quality of the academic programmes.
- Prof. Prof. Juliana Sabino Wilhelm, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs and Head of Dance Programmes (Chairperson)
- Prof. Katharina Christl, Rector and Head of Master Choreography Programme
- Prof. José Biondi, Head of Master Dance Teacher Programme
- student members: Oriel Santoso (BAT) und Rebecca Gollwitzer (MADT)
The Equal Opportunity Commissioner, who is selected by the Senate, is responsible for establishing equal opportunities for women and men, and preventing disadvantages for members of the university staff and others affiliated with the University.
Felicitas Rost
Email: f.rost(at)
The Inclusion Commissioner at the Palucca University of Dance Dresden advises the University Rectorate and its employees on topics concerning inclusion. They are particularly active in the following areas:
- Premises and layout (e.g., accessibility at the University)
- Specialisation of staff (e.g., sensitisation through lectures on inclusion aspects)
- Study conditions (e.g., disadvantages-compensation for students)
- Service offers (e.g., professional consultation)
Matthew Squire
Email: m.squire(at)
The Master Class Commission, which is appointed by the Senate, comprises professors, academic staff and a student representative. The Master Class Commission decides about entry and admissions to the Master Class Programme. Furthermore, it is involved in the enactments of Study Regulations and Admissions Regulations as well as planning individual study plans for the students in the Master Class Programme.
- Prof. Rita Aozane-Bilibio (chair person)
- Prof. Anke Glasow
- Prof. Marc Boermans
- Angela Rannow, academic staff member
- Angelika Forner, academic staff member
- student member: Oriel Santoso
The Staff Council is elected by the university staff members. The Staff Council represents the interests of the university staff and is involved in various decision-making processes.
- J?rg Schotte (chair person)
- Jana Reh (deputy chair person)
- Angela Rannow
- Michael Rissmann
- Kathleen Schulz
Email: personalrat(at)
The Examination Board comprises the Rector as Chairperson, the Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs as Deputy Chairperson, the heads of the study programmes, an academic staff member, and a student.
The Rector, the Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs and the head of the study programmes shall be part of the Examination Board ex officio. The academic member of the staff and the student shall be appointed by the Rector on recommendation by the Senate.
The Board of Examiners shall pay particular attention that the provisions of the Examination Regulations are met and ensure that the examinations are conducted as according to these regulations.
- Prof. Katharina Christl, Rector and Head of Master Choreography Programme (Chairperson)
- Prof. Juliana Sabino Wilhelm, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs and Head of Bachelor Dance Programme
- Prof. José Biondi, Head of Master Dance Teacher Programm
- Angela Rannow, Academic staff member
- Student memer: Harrison Fletcher
The Senate-appointed Occupational Health and Safety Officer has the task to assist the University in the implementation of measures that prevent accidents in the work place and occupational illnesses.
J?rg Schotte
Email: j.schotte(at)
The University’s students participate in the self-administration of the University and for this they appoint their representatives to serve on the Student Council. The Student Council represents, in particular, the students’ interests regarding university policies, internal university affairs, and social and cultural matters.
- Harrison Fletcher (BAT)
- Rebecca Gollwitzer (MADT)
- Yvette Anais González (MADT)
- Julius Waske (BAT)
- Charlotte White (BAT)
- Oriel Santoso (BAT)
- Menbership Contribution Regualtions
- Hardship Regulations
- Student Council Basic Order
- Election Regulations
Email: studentenrat(at)