IT Services at Palucca University
On the following webpages, the Department of Organization/IT offers all members of Palucca University the opportunity to get acquainted with all important services of our university's IT. The Palucca Account serves as the central element for accessing the digital services offered by Palucca University. All employees, students, and high school students receive a Palucca Account. Guests have the option to obtain a temporary account, for example in order to use the Wi-Fi or to access the schedule and room booking system.
Overview of our IT services:
- Palucca Account
- Wi-Fi
- Schedule & Room Booking – ASIMUT
- Microsoft Office 365
- Filesharing - GigaMove 2.0
- E-Learning Platforms - OPAL & LernSax
- Videostreaming - Videocampus Sachsen
- Digital Library - E-Books & E-Journals
- University Portal – HISinOne
- Printing, Copying & Scanning – aQrate
- Deutschlandsemesterticket – RIDEcampus
- Video and Audio Conferences – DFNconf
- Voice over IP - DFN VoIP Centrex
- Virus Protection for Personal Devices - Sophos Home Premium
- Personal Digital Certificate - DFN-PKI
- DFN Schedule & Surveys
- Adobe Creative Cloud
- VPN Access
Support and Contacts
Steve Blümel, IT-Administrator
Telefon: +49 (0)351 25906-28
E-Mail: s.bluemel(at)
Office: Altbau, A 104
J?rg Schotte, Head of Department Organization/IT
Telefon: +49 (0)351 25906-15
E-Mail: j.schotte(at)
Office: Altbau, A 104