PUCK Dance Courses for Children
Through its cooperation partner Puck e.V., and within the scope of PUCK Dance Classes, Palucca University of Dance Dresden offers children and adolescents the opportunity to get their first experiences in dance and to use their free time in a creative way. Those interested are assigned to classes according to their age. In addition, the instructor can make recommendations to the parents regarding which class their child should be in.
The most important information regarding Puck e.V. children and adolescent dance courses can be found on these pages. Further information regarding Puck e.V. can be found at www.puck-tanzt.de.
The Palucca University of Dance Dresden has invited your child to either an aptitude test or an audition? Congratulations! We are pleased to offer you a preparatory intensive training for these tests, in small groups or individually. Further information can be found on our homepage or by contacting us via email.
Palucca University of Dance Dresden
Studio 4, Basteiplatz 4, 01277 Dresden
TENZA Schmiede
Pfotenhauerstr. 59, 01307 Dresden
Vogesenweg 10, 01309 Dresden
Elena Gru?
Chairperson and Artistic Director of the PUCK e. V. Dance Courses for Children at the Palucca University of Dance Dresden
Email: kontakt(at)puck-tanzt.de