Natalie Wagner
Master Choreography 2020
(Artistic Director of the Dance Company and Chief Choreographer at the Landesbühnen Sachsen since the 2022/2023 season)
For me personally, there was a new start after my years of working as a freelance dancer. In other words, I had an artistic crisis. On the one hand, I questioned whether I still wanted to be choreographically active at all, but at the same time I felt the need to deal with topics and methods for which I had not yet had the opportunity, time, or space. Without expectation, I applied for the course and left it to fate whether I would be accepted or not. For me, it was a small sign that I was probably on the right track after all.
The MA Choreography Programme has given me the opportunity to expand my network and meet artists I wouldn't have met otherwise. Of course, this also applies to collaborations with institutions such as the HfBK (University of Fine Arts) or the Festspielhaus Hellerau. The different modules are a great enrichment because of these encounters. After all, networking is everything in our profession.
I wanted to find out what I want and what I don't want anymore. How I want it and what I want to change. In any case, my studies have given me clarity and a (renewed) look in a direction that I hardly dared to dream of.