Jo?o Pedro de Paula
Master Choreography 2020
After dancing in a company and developing an interest in choreographic work, the Master in Choreography provided me with a space for reflection and critical thinking within my work. I was lucky to have a large group with whom to exchange constructive feedback and broaden my understanding of how my work could be perceived by different viewers.
The program is structured to cover multiple creative and organizational areas of working as a choreographer, providing capacitation both as a thinking artist as well as a professional inserted and aware of the workings of the industry.
The biggest practical lesson I took from my study was the exercise of stepping out of the role of creator and looking at the work from the outside. Building the ability for this critical view was extremely challenging, but opened an actually complex understanding of my work and how I should approach it. The analytical and practical exercise of the Master programme developed me as a critical choreographer with a certain understanding of my way of working and how to problematize it in a constructive way.
Website: www.joaopedrodepaula.com